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神的仆人罗保罗牧师特会服侍内容:The ministry contents of Man of God Pastor Paul Luo Conference 1、超自然神迹权能恩膏医治大型布道会;1、 Supernatural miracles and power anointing and healing evangelic conference 2、琴与炉的敬拜,灵舞,灵旗;2、 Worship of harp and censer, spirit dance and spirit flag 3、医治释放;3、 Healing and deliverance 4、启动方言;4、 Start the tongue 5、传递圣灵恩膏,分赐圣灵的恩赐;5、 Pass on the anointing of the Holy Spirit, impart gifts of the Holy Spirit 6、分赐医病赶鬼的恩膏;6、 Impart the anointing of the healing and the casting out of the demons 7、启动先知预言;7、 Initiate prophetic predictions 8、使徒先知性系统教导与培训;8、Systematic teaching and training of apostles and prophets 9、属灵争战教导与实操;9、Teaching and Practice in spiritual warfare 10、号角训练;10、Horn training 11、系统全备真理的教导;11、Systematic and complete truth teaching 12、门徒训练,成全工人;12、The discipleship training and equipment of the workers of the church 13、恢复使徒先知的根基,建造基督身体。13、Restore the foundation of apostles and prophets, buildthe body of Christ.
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神的仆人罗保罗牧师视频讯息与医治见证 神的仆人罗保罗牧师Youtube和FaceBook,有大量医治视频见证及部分讲道信息,并且不断更新中,可通过点击二维码或网页链接进入收看。 Man of God Pastor Paul Luo video message and healing witness Pastor Paul Loh'sYoutube and FaceBook havea huge volume of healing video witnesses, and are constantly updated. Click on a QR code or web link(listed below) to watch. 
Youtube QR code https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC0BN_PhAyOCuIFBoQqjDnwQ?noapp=1&client=mv-google
FaceBook QR code https://www.facebook.com/paul.loh.1441